Kids, Health and what they can teach us about it!

Life long habits start developing at a young age, so it’s important to help children cultivate healthy food and lifestyle habits when they’re young; plus they’re so open and eager at that age.

Children are also super intuitive, perhaps even more than adults. So if you want them to listen, learn and take to heart what you’re teaching them, you gotta be an example. If you’re not, they’ll see through that in-authenticity in you right away.

Don’t preach kindness when you are not kind.

Don’t preach eating healthy when you don’t.

Continue reading “Kids, Health and what they can teach us about it!”

No Bake Decadent Almond Cookies

While you’re busy in the kitchen prepping for Rosh Hashanah, try these delicious and healthy holiday (or everyday) cookie bombs that take no time to prep! No baking needed, decadent, rich and amazing and will take just five mins…one bowl, easy recipe!

Although some call me a health nut, I’m not a believer in deprivation to be healthy. Sweets are delicious and satisfying, especially when made with real, wholesome ingredients. Keep some on hand in the freezer and you’ll never need crappy sugary treats to fill that craving.

These are high in protein, healthy fats and fiber, and can even be made Keto!
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Health benefits of being outdoors early morning

I’m curious…at what time of day do you workout and where do you workout? Indoors? In a gym? Outdoors? In nature? Perhaps this will inspire you to change up your workout routine and get some zen and nature in with your daily workout.

Being outdoors early morning,  preferably before sunrise is magical and there’s many proven health benefits you’ll get from it mentally, emotionally and physically.

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Death and Rebirth

Three years ago today, I faced death in the face. Today’s post is in honor of my dad, whose 3rd yartzeit is today, the 21st of Sivan on the hebrew calendar;  27th of June on regular calendar.  I think we all carry a fear of losing someone we love. That was definitely a big fear of mine when my dad got sick. But somehow the day of his death wasn’t scary at all; it was actually magical and awe inspiring. Watching a human being, my dad, a vibrant, fiery, wickedly passionate, full of life human being, take his final breath and rest eternally, forever was quite peaceful. Perhaps, because I’ve shed enough tears at his bedside prior to his death praying for a miracle, perhaps it’s the tools I’ve learned in the last few years studying reiki and shamanic energy healing that gave me an appreciation for death which I accept is a natural pattern of life, perhaps it was having my mom and siblings by my side every step of the way – we were glued in this together, perhaps it was the short day trip that my brother and I took to my home in CA when times looked bleak in NY a week before my dad’s death to rejuvenate and renew ourselves before the final blow, perhaps it was the fact that we all got together for my dad’s last (70th) birthday in March or our last holiday with him in June (Shavuot ’16)….all these things probably contributed to the strength I felt that day, to not let the fragility of death consume me.

I was also lucky because
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Clean & Delicious Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins!

It’s so important to have a stash of healthy treats in your home for you or your kids to grab when needed. The food industry is so full of crap these days, that “home made” is 100% better than almost anything you can buy in the stores; especially when it’s made with clean ingredients like this. My clients ask me all the time for healthy muffin and cookie recipes, cuz we all love healthy treats. This is a great one, and so easy to make!


Continue reading “Clean & Delicious Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins!”

What’s your favorite part of Chanukah?

While not my typical healthy food blog post, I wanted to convey a quick thought that I shared as a guest on Temple Isaiah’s Podcast yesterday. Click here to listen.

What is your favorite part of Chanukah? And how are you feeding your body and soul this holiday season?

Here’s what I shared yesterday:


Chanukah is great because Continue reading “What’s your favorite part of Chanukah?”

Why you need to get your kids in the kitchen with you!

Cooking is an art.

Cooking is a creative expression of the soul.

Cooking is an essential life skill that allows you to nurture yourself and helps you take care of your body!

Cooking is a great way to distress and explore your creativity.

Cooking is something you need to teach your kids and allow them to experience when they’re young.

Food made at home is made with LOVE and that’s an ingredient that you cannot buy.

Food made with kids is infused with so much JOY!!!

I love teaching cooking classes to teens and kids, because
Continue reading “Why you need to get your kids in the kitchen with you!”

Teach ’em when they’re young…

How do we enforce healthier food habits? By modeling and teaching children when they’re young! This week I shared with the four and five year old preschool and pre-k students why it’s important to eat growing foods so that we can be really strong.

We talked about why want to be strong, what growing foods are, what a balanced meal looks like, whole grains, eating the rainbow, drinking water and eating the right amount until our tummy feels full. We also talked about how important sleep is to get strong, and that moving (and dancing!) makes us happy and strong. And, how do we help our hearts get stronger? When we are kind to our friends it makes their heart strong; so everyone had a turn to make their friend’s heart happy and strong. We played various games to reinforce growing foods, movement and kindness and it was lots of fun!

Tip for the week: Try to keep healthy eating light and fun for your kids and also help them understand it, so that it doesn’t feel forced. When kids feel that they helped make the choice, they will be more excited to embrace growing foods and healthy habits.